Episode 17
The Groundwork For Designing Your Career with Helen Thomas
Exploring possibilities for career change
About this episode
When it comes to taking control of your career, it’s always a good idea to be in the driver’s seat. Navigating career change into the unknown can be daunting, especially when you have been in one career for a while. Career design coach, Helen Thomas reinforces the important element of taking the initiative and the right actions for your career.
Helen Thomas is a Career Design Coach supporting mid-career professionals to think differently about what’s possible, design a work-life they love, and make their next career move with confidence.
She knows from experience, the frustration of wanting more from your career but feeling stuck figuring out what to do about it.
After more than 20 years building a successful finance and marketing career with leading UK and Australian companies, Helen realised her corporate career looked great on paper, but she was feeling unfulfilled and trapped.
Determined not to look back with regret, Helen commenced a long and roundabout journey to designing a career she loves.
In figuring it out for herself, Helen developed a practical framework leveraging her unique blend of commercial and coaching skills and applying evidence-based methodologies to support other mid-career professionals to design and achieve successful and meaningful work-lives.
Helen says, “Success and meaning are personal, and my role is to help you discover your unique path so you can take control and design your career by choice, rather than leaving it to chance.”
#career #careerdecisions #careercoach #bigslump #greatresignation #takecontrol #clarity #getunstuck #challengeyourself #toquitornottoquit
I guess I am a bit like your career or business like best friend… I’m here to be your cheerleader and your guide and to give you like a gentle but firm nudge into taking control and doing those things that you’re always talking about wanting to do or going to do and actually taking some action.
I think the biggest thing I want for people is to understand that it’s really important to kind of be in the driver’s seat, to take control.
Connect with Evan
Connect with Evan on LinkedIn.
For more information about increasing your digital, collaborative and creative capacity in your organisation, visit Digital Team Coach.
If you would like to speak with Evan about partnering on Tomorrow Pod or another project together, please email evan@tomorrowpod.net.
Connect with Helen.
Connecti with Helen on Linkedin or head to her website.
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